Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo Software

24 - 25th October 2021

7 PM to 10.00 PM
Workshops will be held through Google Meet

Dr. Md Abu Darda

Day 1

Qualitative Research Methodology

  1. 1.Understanding of Qualitative Research
  2. Ethnography Approach
  3. Phenomenological Research
  4. grounded theory
  5. case study
  6. Sampling in Qualitative Research
  7. Theory use in Qualitative Research

Short Bio:

Dr. Md. Abud Darda received in 2014 his PhD in Statistical Sciences from University of Padua, Italy. He had MS degree in Statistics from Lund University, Sweden in 2009 with distinctions. Earlier, he obtained M.Sc and B.Sc Degree in Statistics from Chittagong University, Bangladesh. Dr. Darda is a multidisciplinary researcher. He had experiences as a research team member in several funded projects in Sweden, Italy and Bangladesh. He is also a training specialist for Research methods and Data analysis. Dr. Darda has research interest in Nonlinear Estimations, Energy Economics, Biomedical Studies, Sustainable Development and Livelihoods, Contemporary Social Issues and Education Policy. Dr. Darda had published a number of ISI indexed journal articles, Book Chapters and Research notes. He also worked as a visiting consultant at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. Currently he is working as an associate Professor of Statistics at National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.


Md.Salman Sohel

Day 2

Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo Software

  1. Introduction to NVivo setting up a project
  2. Importing and Coding Documents
  3. Thematic analysis using NVivo coding
  4. Analyzing textual Data
  5. Visualization textual data
  6. Exploring qualitative data
  7. Reporting and presenting your findings

Short Bio: Mr. Salman is currently affiliated Asian Research Center, Hohai University, China as Post graduate Candidate. He completed his bachelor degree from department of Public Administration, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has some scholarly publication in international reputed journal including Web of Science SCIE, Scopus. is a certified reviewer of Publon Academy.  He is also expert trainer of NVivo. Mr. Salman worked as research assistant in Accident Research Institute (ARI), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Mr. Salman is a founder of “Jagannath University Research Society (JnUrs)”. He also served as Founding president of “Youth Centre For Research Action (YCFRA)”.