Payment by Bkash : 01715352011 (Personal)
1. Phenomenology
2. Ethnography and observation
3. Case study
4. Grounded theory
5. Triangulation Approach
6. Sampling
7. Validity and Reliability
8. Reporting & Presenting qualitative result
Short Bio: Senior lecturer, University of South Asia. Dr. Kausar Alam received his PhD degree from the University Of Putra Malaysia (UPM).He has published 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals including Scopus and Web of Science indexed.
1. How to Conduct FGD-(Focus Group Discussion)
2. How to Conduct PRA-(Participatory Rural Appraisal)
3. How to Conduct KII-(Key Informant Information)
4. How to Conduct Ethnographic observation
5. How to Conduct In depth-Interview
6. How To Make Qualitative -Questionnaire
Short Bio: Md. Shahidul Islam is a qualitative research expert. He have 22 years qualitative field research experiences in 41 Research Institution .Mr.Shahidul worked 160 research project both government and N.GO funded Such as World Bank, UNICEF, JICA,WHO.CIDA, BD Planning ministry, Population Council etc. He received bachelor and M.s.c degree from Jagannath University, Bangladesh
1. Introduction to NVivo setting up a project
2. Importing and Coding Documents
3. Thematic analysis using NVivo coding
4. Analyzing textual Data
5. Visualization textual data
6. Exploring qualitative data
7. Reporting and presenting your findings
Short Bio: Mr. Salman is currently affiliated Asian Research Center of Hohai University, China as Post graduate Candidate. .He completed his bachelor degree from department of Public Administration, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has some scholarly publication in international reputed journal. He worked 2 years as research assistant in Accident Research Institute (ARI), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Mr. Salman is a founder of “Jagannath University Research Society (JnUrs)”. He also served as Founding president of “Youth Centre For Research Action (YCFRA)”.
1. Topic selection
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature review
5. Methodology
6. Result
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion
9. Effective Cover letter for editor
Short Bio: Mr.Babul is currently affiliated with the “Research Center of Environment and Society at Hohai University, China as a Research Fellow”. He is also working as a “Research Fellow” at Centre For Advanced Social Research-CRAS, Bangladesh. Mr.Babul has More than 10 articles in peer-reviewed journals including Elsevier, Springer affiliated Journal.