A to Z Research Learning Package

10 Days Online Comprehensive Research Training 2020

1 to 28th November, 2020, 7 PM -11 PM
Workshops will be held through zoom meetings
Seat Booked
Seat Booked 85%

Trainer Profile and Course Content

আমরা খুবই আনন্দের সাথে জানাচ্ছি যে Centre For Advanced Social Research-CRAS 10 দিন ব‍্যাপি Comprehensive research trainning আয়োজন করতে যাচ্ছে।এই কোর্সটি এমনভাবে সাজানো হয়েছে যে যদি কেউ এই কোর্সটি করে তাহলে আশা করি সে রিসার্চের A to Z শিখতে পারবে এবং সে নিজেই Self Research করতে পারবে। ট্রেনিং কোর্সটি সম্পূর্ন বাংলা ভাষায় হবে যাতে সবাই বুঝতে ও হৃদয়াঙ্গম করতে পারে। আর যারা Resource person হিসেবে ট্রেনিং কনডাক্ট করাবেন তারা স্ব স্ব ক্ষেত্র অনেক হাই লেভেলের expert.৮ জন ট্রেইনারের মধ্যে ৬ জন PhD লেভেলের।অন‍্য একজনের 22 বছরের 160টি রিসার্চ প্রজেক্টে কাজের অভিজ্ঞতা রয়েছে । আশকরি সহজ ও গল্পের ছলে রিসার্চের A to Z শিখতে পারবেন।
তবে মজার ব‍্যাপার হলো কোর্স ফি মাত্র 1200 টাকা। Same এই কোর্সটি অন্য জায়গাই করলে কমপক্ষে 7 - 10 হাজার টাকা লাগবে। CRAS কোনো Commercial প্রতিষ্টান না।আমাদের গবেষণায় কোন ফান্ড নাই। আমরা নামে মাত্র কোর্স ফি রেখেছি। কোর্স ফি থেকে প্রাপ্ত অর্থ দিয়েই আমাদের গবেষণা প্রজেক্টের ব‍্যয় নির্বাহ হয়। অনেক মানসম্মত , গোছালো কোর্স ডিজাইন ও ট্রেইনারের ব্যবস্থা করা হয়েছে। কোর্স কন্টেন্ট দেখলেই বুঝতে পারবেন। আশা করি কেউ এই অপরচুনিটি মিস করবেন না।এতো অল্প টাকায় এমন মানসম্মত রিসার্চ কোর্সের সুযোগ ভবিষ্যতে না ও আসতে পারে।করোনা প‍্যানডামিক পরিস্থিতির কারণে এই কোর্সটি আমরা এত কমে করাচ্ছি।

Payment by Bkash : 01715352011 (Personal)
Deadline 30 October 2020

Week - 1 November 1,2

November - 1


Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam

How To Write Research Thesis/Proposal

1.Research title
2.Background of the study
3.Problem statement
4.Research questions & objectives
5.Theoretical & practical significance
6.Scope of the study
7.Operational definition of the key variables
8.Literature review
9.Research gaps
10.Underpinning theories of study
11. Research Framework

November - 2

Research methodology

1.Research philosophy
2.Research paradigm
3.Research approach
4.Qualitative / quantitative / mixed method design
5.Research strategy
6.Research time horizon
7.Population of the study
8.Sample size determination
9.Sampling technique
10.Data collection methods
11.Adopting / adapting measurement instrument / scale
12.Pre-test & Pilot test
13.Questionnaire Development
14.Construct validity and reliability
15.Strategies to publish high impact journals

Short Bio: Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam is a highly experienced in quantitative research methodology.He has 11 years teaching experience including Najran University ,Saudi Arabia.Mr. Alam received his PhD Degree University Tenaga National (UNITEN),Malaysia. He obtained M.B.A from Lalit Narayan Mishra Institute of Economic Development and Social Change (LNMI, India). He also received Bachelor degree from Aligarh Muslim University,India

Week - 2 November 6, 7

November - 6


Md. Salman Sohel

Referencing Using MENDELY

Short Bio: Mr. Salman is currently affiliated Asian Research Center of Hohai University, China as Post graduate Candidate. .He completed his bachelor degree from department of Public Administration, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has some scholarly publication in international reputed journal. He worked 2 years as research assistant in Accident Research Institute (ARI), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Mr. Salman is a founder of “Jagannath University Research Society (JnUrs)”. He also served as Founding president of “Youth Centre For Research Action (YCFRA)”.

November - 7


Md.Shahidul Islam

Qualitative Research Method and Tools

1.How to Conduct FGD- Focus Group Discussion
2.How to Conduct PRA- Participatory Rural Appraisal
3.How to Conduct KII- Key Informant Information
4.How to Conduct Ethnographic observation
5.How to Conduct In depth- Interview
6.How To Make Qualitative Questionnaire

Short Bio: Md. Shahidul Islam is a qualitative research expert. He have 22 years qualitative field research experiences in 41 Research Institution .Mr.Shahidul worked 160 research project both government and N.GO funded Such as  World Bank, UNICEF, JICA,WHO.CIDA, BD Planning ministry, Population Council etc. He received bachelor and M.s.c degree from Jagannath University, Bangladesh

Week - 3 November 13, 14

November - 13

Dr. Kausar Alam

Dr. Kausar Alam

Qualitative Research Methodology

Short Bio: Dr. Kausar Alam received his PhD degree from the University Of Putra Malaysia (UPM).He has published 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals including Scopus and Web of Science indexed.

November - 14

Dr. Kausar Alam

Dr. Kausar Alam

Design & Data Analysis Using NVIVO

Week - 4 November 20, 21

November - 20


Dr. Mohammad Anisur Rahman


Short Bio: Dr. Mohammad Anisur Rahman is serving as an associate professor at the Department of Management Information Systems (MIS), University of Dhaka. He earned his Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management from Donghua University, China under the CSC Scholarship Program. Before that, he studied MBA in E-Business and Strategic Marketing from the University of Akron, the USA under the Fulbright Scholarship Program. He is certified in Innovations Management from EDGE, Ohio. He has also served in different multinational companies and organizations, such as DSE, Dhaka WASA, SIEMENS, and UNESCO in different capacities. His research area includes MIS, E-Business, Supply Chain Management, Data Analytics & Innovations Management. He is one of the top-cited, read, and downloaded authors in ResearchGate, SSRN-Elsevier, and Taylor & Francis Online. 

November - 21


Kawser Ahmed

Quantitative Data analysis using spss

1. Basic use of SPSS
2. T Test
3. Regression

Short Bio: Mr.Kawser Ahmed is a  PhD Research Fellow,School of  Mathematics and Statistics,Central South University China.He has work experience with Ministry of Industries,IMED, Ministry of Planning,  BRAC,BIDS,SMEF,Trinamool Unnayan Sangstha etc.

Week - 5 November 20, 21

November - 27


Babul Hossain

How to write a Research Paper

Short Bio: Mr.Babul is currently affiliated Hohai University, China as PhD Research Fellow. He is also working as  “Senior  Research Associate”  in Centre For Advanced Social Research-CRAS. Mr.Babul have More than 10 article in peer-reviewed Journal including Elsevier, Springer affiliated Journal.

November - 28

Tausif Ali

Tausif Ali

Guide To Publish ResearchPaper

1.Journal Selection
2..Common Mistake in Paper Submission to Journal
3.Technique/Strategies to Publish Research Paper

Mr. Tausif Ali is currently affiliated  Hohai University, China as a Ph.D. Candidate .He holds a master’s degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China. He completed B.Sc. degree from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). He has published 22 papers in various peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, where 2 papers are SCIE (Total IF=14.40) and 11 papers are SCOPUS indexed.